Thursday, December 15, 2011

Puzzle 15 - Circle Square

Find the ordered pair (p, q) of rational numbers so that the radius of circle that passes through vertex D of square ABCD, and is tangent to sides AB and BC can be expressed as . Given that the side length of the square is equal to 1



(2,-1).. thankyou sir for reminding sirkills and cood geometry 4m dasgupta book

Vidyamanohar said...

Let O is the center and r is the radius of the circle. Let E, F are the points of contact of the circle with sides AB and BC respectively. If P is perpendicular dropped from O to the side AD, then we have from the right triangle OPD, OP=PO=1-r and OD=r. Hence r=2-sqrt(2). So, p=2, q=-1