Saturday, December 17, 2011

Puzzle 16 - Find the number

Find the smallest natural number whose half is a perfect square and whose one third is a perfect cube.


Looking up to the Stars said...

Is it 648 sir?



srikanth rokkam said...

wats the solution?is there any short cut to find ans?

Vidyamanohar said...

When divided by two, the number should have even powers in its prime factorisation. When divided by three, it should have powers divisible by 3. The number should be as small as possible. So, the number must be expressed as 2^a.3^b where a must be smallest odd number more than 1, ie 3 and b must smallest number that leaves remainder 1 when divided by 3 ie, 4.
Hence the number is 2^3.3^4=648